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5 Big Benefits Of Digital Signage In Healthcare

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The quality and flow of information in a healthcare setting is important for patients and the people working in those busy environments. Let’s look at some of the key benefits digital signage brings to manage patient and practice communications.

1. Promoting services

With a display screen in front of every patient and visitor, it is a lot easier to inform them about the services offered in your practice. 

Although this is a clear feature of marketing, it helps to inform specifically about your services which would most likely be of use to your patients: since they are in your practice to receive hearing healthcare, the majority of the content played on CDM TV revolves around hearing care and hearing loss.

2. Cost benefits: monetary and temporal

Saving money is probably the most powerful way digital signage is changing healthcare. 

The amount of daily walking in a healthcare facility is already high, as it is. If you eliminate the need to walk when carrying certain information, or the need to print out information on a piece of paper which is then stuck to a board someone may or may not notice, you will save quite a bit of time and resources.

By relying on Citadel  to present that information, you save time and thus expenses. We already pointed out the printing being cut off as a cost, but the real profit lies in the small time savings.

Although not apparent at first, cutting off seconds to minutes of each day boosts productivity and efficiency ratings.  Plus, it provides a sense of ease, and allows your internal structure to flow faster and easier: a motivational factor by itself.

Many of our clients choose to eliminate magazine and cable subscriptions once they install CDM TV. This is an immediate money saver and focuses your patients’ attention on your messaging. Not to mention this CDM TV content is updated daily to ensure that all of the messaging is up to date and relevant, whereas a magazine can go out of date before it even gets read. 

3. Improved Use of Waiting areas

Time moves very slowly when patients, family, and friends have to wait in reception areas. It can take hours to get attention and resolution, and screens in waiting areas are a powerful tool to explain services and amenities.

Entertainment is the primary weapon against boredom. Many healthcare establishments you visit will have some form of entertainment on their displays. 

4. Community Information

Community information, such as events or achievements of your organization, are also a great option to occasionally share with your audience. You can point out the awards and achievements of your staff members as well, which can influence both sides. The patients will be more interested and appreciate the staff, and the staff will be properly motivated and recognized for their work.

5. Promote Social Media

Social media can also become one of the components of your digital signage network. Although more present in other more entertaining industries, social media can find a good use in healthcare. You can probably already envision if this is the case with your establishment. It can provide great marketing opportunities and engage your audience, not to mention the flow of automated content.

To learn more about how digital signage, like Citadel, can benefit your practice, learn more at

Michele Ahlman